blog &
Here you’ll find lots of good and useful info: tidbits from my bi-weekly Points of Brilliance emails, some of my video musings, thoughts and ideas that come to me in the shower, resources I love that you might find interesting, and lots more. If there’s something in particular you’d like me to explore, let me know!

Brilliance on the Inside: Interconnectedness
I’ve been reflecting on the inter-connectedness of our "Inside Brilliance" and our "Outside Brilliance." How we think and feel on the “inside” impacts how we look and behave on the “outside,” AND how we look and behave on the “outside” impacts how we think and feel on...

Brilliance on the Outside: The Power of Color
I’ve talked in previous posts about how to choose the best colors for you (here, here and here); the impact of wearing your best colors is powerful. Color has the ability to influence your mood, energy level, state of mind and productivity. While the cut, style, and...

Brilliance on the Inside: Chameleon-ness
I love the beginning of a new year – as I’ve mentioned before, to me it feels the same way a new school year did, a fresh start and another opportunity. I spend some time on each New Year’s Day reflecting upon the previous year and visioning for what’s upcoming. The...

End of Year Musings
For this final post of 2022, I’m not following my usual format of one “Inside Point” and one “Outside Point.” Instead, you’ll find a random meandering of short, mostly unimportant musings that are currently swirling in the murky maze of my mind. Musing #1: I have...

Brilliance on the Outside: Aging Part 1
I’ve been putting this off for a long time: writing about aging. More accurately, how I’m feeling about and experiencing aging, and what I’m doing / not doing about it. Nope, on second thought, it’s not today either. Suffice it to say, my Mother is now in my mirror...

Brilliance on the Inside: Gratitude, Schmatitude
It’s the traditional season for gratitude and my inbox is full of marketers and those who want to use gratitude, both real and manufactured, to influence my seasonal purchases. I also receive many emails from people I admire and respect expressing sincere gratitude...

Brilliance on the Outside: Pet Peeve #2
In the realm of things that aren’t very important overall but drive me crazy in the day-to-day details, I have a few pet peeves. The first one I shared was about the unusability of eyeshadow palettes. So here’s another one (this is probably going to become a...

Brilliance on the Inside – I AM Ready, I’m ALWAYS Ready!
In my last post to you, I told you that I’m learning some new info about Expectations that I wanted to share but that I WASN’T READY yet. Honestly, I was in Texas with my Dad helping him through some health challenges and I just didn’t have my act together at all. But...

Brilliance on the Outside: My Sunglasses Addiction (and that hot Jamie Foxx)
True confession time: after sharing with you in my last post about re-commerce and clothing recycling, I must now go to the other extreme and confess one of my few true addictions (besides dark chocolate and luxury handbags): DESIGNER SUNGLASSES. I wouldn’t wear a...

Brilliance on the Inside: I’m Not Ready Yet
In bringing these Brilliance Points to you, I have two goals: To share with you what I’m learning about how we can show up even more brilliantly in our lives, both inside and outside. To be as real, authentic, and honest as I possibly can with you about me and my...

Brilliance on the Outside: Recommercing Your Closet
A few stats for you: The World Economic Forum estimates that clothing production has roughly doubled in the last 20 years and that people bought 60% more garments in 2014 than in 2000 but kept them for only half as long. According to the Ellen Macarthur...

Brilliance on the Inside: It’s All About the Bass
As you’ve probably realized by now, I’m a firm believer in using what we wear to help us increase our confidence and remember our power (HERE’s a reminder). The truth is that we all have those moments (at least I think we do? Am I the only one?!!) when our confidence...

Brilliance on the Outside: Shapes & Lines
You were born with a body shape that is based on your bone structure and doesn’t change over time. Yes, as you gain or lose weight, you may notice some different places that need more or less emphasis. But, if you have wide shoulders or broader hips, you will always...

Brilliance on the Inside: What’s Your Word?
Laura had lovely attributes – gorgeous silver hair, bright blue eyes – but she wasn’t magazine-beautiful and her mom had told her throughout her growing-up years that she would never be pretty, so that belief was deeply ingrained in her. Laura’s best friend Susan was...

Brilliance on the Outside: Judging a Book by its Cover
I know this sounds crazy, but Harvard did a study on makeup. Yes, seriously. And what they found is that women who wear makeup are perceived as more attractive and competent than those who do not. WAIT! Before you dismiss this, let me finish. Study participants were...

Brilliance on the Inside: The Gauntlet is Thrown
You are not special. You are not the one exception in the Universe who isn’t brilliant, gifted, amazing. You are not the one at the end of the line, the one who got left behind. I am continually astounded at the women I come across in my days – every single one of...

Brilliance on the Outside: My Eyeshadow Dilemma
On a scale of life’s challenges, choosing the right eyeshadow rates at least a minus 3. But sometimes, it’s the littlest things that tip the scale. For me, one of those things is eyeshadow. As much as I love glitter and bling and sparkly things, I am no longer of an...

Brilliance on the Inside: Meet RIZ, Your Brain’s Gatekeeper
There’s a bundle of neurons in our brainstem called the Reticular Activating System, or RAS. RAS always makes me think of Rizzo (RIZ) in the movie Grease – remember her? She was sassy and sarcastic and didn’t care at all what others thought of her, so my RAS has been...

Brilliance on the Outside: Are You Clear or Muted?
In my two previous posts, I shared with you about the elements of Color that you need to consider when determining which ones are your best. Remember the first two elements? Hue (Warm/Cool) and Value (Light/Dark). The third and final element is Chroma. Chroma refers...

Brilliance on the Inside: What You Wear Matters On The Inside Too
One of my favorite concepts is something called Enclothed Cognition. Researchers at Northwestern University conducted studies that were published in several scientific journals in 2012 regarding the impact that clothing has on our psychology. Multiple groups of people...

Brilliance on the Outside: What’s Your Value?
Remember the three elements of color? Hue (Warm/Cool), Value (Light/Dark), and Chroma (Clear/Muted). In my last post, I talked about Hue – knowing if you look better in Warm or Cool colors. Did you figure yours out? The second element of color is Value. We are not...

Brilliance on the Inside: My New Favorite Affirmation
One of the things I’m exploring right now: Beliefs and how they shape our experience. A belief is simply a thought you think over and over again until it becomes true for you. It is something you might have been told as a child, or you decided based upon some...

Brilliance on the Outside: Are You Cool or Warm?
There are three elements of color to consider when you are choosing the ones that make you look your very best: 1) warm or cool, 2) light or dark, 3) clear or muted. Let’s talk first about warm or cool; we’ll save the others for my next posts. My guess is that you’re...

Brilliance on the Inside: Comparison or Appreciation?
I had lunch last week with a friend I haven’t seen in several years. She is still just as fabulous as I remember her, gorgeous and well-put-together while being incredibly fun and down-to-earth. As we shared highlights of our lives, I had a memory of how I used to...

Brilliance on the Outside: My Latest Favorite Online Shopping Site
Meghan Fabulous! Some of her stuff is a little bit over the top for me (see the dangly sunglasses), but I’m in love with her dress designs. Here’s a photo of me in my new favorite. When you're shopping, especially online, it's important to know the elements that work...

Brilliance on the Inside: The Power of Our Thoughts
We know that the words we use in our “out loud” voice matter because they have impact on other people. But what about the words you use in your head when speaking to yourself about... YOU? We get it this is important, we’ve been hearing about it for years. A Google...
Meet Jean
As an executive presence, image, and communications coach, I’ve worked with hundreds of women to show up in their professional and personal worlds with confidence, power, presence, and panache.
Manifesting Clarity Podcast
I had a wonderful, heartfelt conversation with the fabulous Jen Roth on her podcast Manifesting Clarity. Take a listen and be sure to subscribe to her insightful podcast!
Women Awakening Podcast
My dear friend Cynthia James has a fabulous podcast called Women Awakening, and I was privileged to have a Brilliance conversation with her. I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as I did, and be sure to subscribe to her podcast!
HerTalk Show
I was honored to be a guest on Sabrina Victoria’s HerTalk Show, talking about your Brilliance, of course! Be sure to subscribe to her channel, she has amazing guests every week.
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