products &
Let’s explore and uncover your brilliance! All of Be Brilliant’s products and services are designed with one objective in mind: to support you in looking and feeling your authentic, confident, unique best, no matter your profession, physique, or lifestyle.
Most importantly, no matter which product or service you choose, I want to educate you so that you clearly understand WHY clothing and colors work for you or they don’t, and HOW to choose well for yourself.
We will always spend time to ensure your clarity and understanding so that you feel well-equipped in making your very best choices.

Case Studies

Before + After
Reveal Your Brilliance Process
There are three ways you can go through the Reveal Process. If you are ready to show up powerfully, confidently, and play big in your life, it’s time to invest in yourself. This process is focused entirely on you – your look, your confidence, your power, your brilliance. You’ll learn your best guidelines – brilliance, colors, makeup, body shape, proportion, scale, face shape and personal style. Which learning option suits you best?
Reveal Your Brilliance
Self-Paced Course
This online course consists of 8 modules that you’ll complete at your own pace. All materials and worksheets are included.
Brilliance with Friends Workshop
You and 2 friends (3 people total) can go through the process together in an online environment with Jean as your guide and coach.
Private VIP Reveal Your Brilliance Coaching
This online process is conducted one-on-one – just you with Jean who is guiding and teaching you every step of the way.
Standalone Services
You could choose to start with one of these; they’re conducted online with Jean as your private guide. These can be stand-alone or added on to one of the Reveal Process options.
Deep Dive Into Your Brilliance
Need help uncovering what’s brilliant about you? Let’s explore your many facets and gifts through the use of several tools – you’ll be amazed at what shows up!
Personal Color Analysis
Learning your very best colors can be a great place to start – it will make a huge difference in how you dress and the choices you make.
Add-On Services
Each of these services are conducted online or in-person with Jean as your private guide. You must have completed one of the Reveal Process options prior to booking any of these.
Shop Your
This is a great way to weed through your closet, get rid of what doesn’t work, learn to use what you have in different ways, and create a shopping list that will complete your best looks.
Special Event or
Vacation Planning
Have something special for which you want to look and feel fabulous! Let’s find the perfect options for you!

Annual Membership
The VIP Membership provides regular personal support and insights: how to shop current trends for your personal style and body type, what to wear for your next big event, monthly coaching and private calls, an annual half-day event with the latest experts, and much, much more.
Carol had beautiful attributes – gorgeous silver hair, bright blue eyes – but she wasn’t traditionally beautiful and her mom had told her throughout her growing-up years that she would never be pretty, so that belief was deeply ingrained in her. Carol’s best friend was getting married and Carol was the matron of honor in her wedding. Carol felt certain she couldn’t measure up to her beautiful friend and the comparison was causing her a great deal of stress as the event approached. In our work together, one of the things we explored was the many ways that beauty shows up in our physical world, along with the power of the words that we ascribe to things. We landed upon a word that perfectly described Carol, one that was a description of her physical characteristics and something she could actually own and appreciate in herself. After the wedding was over, she sent me a photo of her and her friend together: “It was such a beautiful wedding and I’m so proud of this photo. My friend was beautiful and I was STRIKING.”
As a successful woman in the male-dominated construction industry, Morgan had never paid much attention to what she wore or how she looked – UNTIL the day she saw a photo of herself wearing what she considered her best client-facing outfit. That photo shocked her into awareness that it was time to get help! Morgan’s dislike of shopping and her reluctance to give attention to her appearance gradually shifted as she realized how easy the process could be and what a huge difference it made, both in her perception of herself as well as from others. Her mornings transformed from annoyance at the pile of undesirable discarded clothing that landed on the bed, to the delight and ease of choosing from a myriad of wonderful options, all of which made her feel her brilliant best. Most importantly, because of her new-found powerful presence, she was promoted to an executive-level position within her company over the two highly-qualified men she competed against. “What I got out of my Reveal Your Brilliance was so much more than I expected!”
Annie has worked very hard to create a beautiful brand for her photography business and she is rightfully quite proud of it. When she realized she needed to look like her brand to be credible with her potential clients, she came to me for help. Annie’s expectations were low; she was convinced she would never feel really good about herself until she lost weight, but maybe we could do enough for her to “get by.” Instead, she found that her Reveal Your Brilliance process was so much more than she had expected; in addition to addressing how she looked, it also impacted how she feels about herself, how she interacts in the world, and how she shows up for herself. Writing her Brilliance Statement helped her become aware of all of her amazing attributes and gifts; connecting to those, as well as learning to dress as her best self, has increased her confidence and self-esteem in ways she never expected. “I’m shocked that even at this weight, I feel like my personal best!” Annie learned that, even though she initially thought that spending money to do this work might be a little frivolous, in fact she says “This work has transformed me in so many ways! I show up for everybody better because I feel better. It was worth every penny.”
Reveal Your Brilliance
Self-Paced Course
This self-paced course consists of 8 modules that walk you through each step of the Reveal Your Brilliance process. Each module includes video teaching by Jean along with worksheets, tip sheets, and support tools to help you understand and execute each step. There are lots of visuals and photos to help you choose your very best options.
Module 1: The Reveal Your Brilliance Process Overview
Your Personal Brilliance Statement is the cornerstone of all the work we will do together. Using a defined process, you’ll identify your unique gifts, beauty and brilliance to create a powerful statement that describes your best authentic self. This statement will guide you during the rest of this process.
Module 2: Your Personal Brilliance
Your Personal Brilliance Statement is the cornerstone of all the work we will do together. Using a defined process, you’ll identify your unique gifts, beauty and brilliance to create a powerful statement that describes your best authentic self. This statement will guide you during the rest of this process. You’ll also identify your Brilliance Avatar, a short-hand way to quickly remind you who you really are, where your power lies, and how you want to present yourself.
What You’ll Learn
- Why image matters – to you and to others
- The research on first impressions, the decisions we make when meeting people, Enclothed Cognition, what it means, and why what you wear matters
- Definition, elements, and examples of Personal Brilliance
- Tools to help identify your strengths and gifts
- Creation of your Personal Brilliance statement
At the end of this module, you will have created your:
- Personal Brilliance Statement
- Brilliance Avatar
Module 3: Your Best Colors & Makeup
You’ll learn basic color theory and how to determine the colors that look best on you. Through the use of lots of examples, you’ll understand how to determine what works best for you and what to stay away from and why. You’ll also learn about your best makeup color choices. And, you’ll download a color palette with your very best colors.
What You’ll Learn
- The impact of color
- Basic color theory
- The seasonal approach
- The importance of value and contrast
- How to assess your personal best colors
- Makeup – the Harvard research
- How to choose what’s best for you
At the end of this module, you will have your:
- Personal color palette
- “How to Choose Color” guidelines
Module 4: Your Body Type, Proportion & Scale
If a piece of clothing doesn’t work for you, it’s the clothing’s fault, not your body’s fault! We all have different shapes and it’s important for you to learn to dress yours, highlighting your assets and minimizing any challenges. You’ll understand how to recognize your body type, proportion and scale, and how paying attention to these elements help you look your best.
What You’ll Learn
- Body types and key dressing elements
- Proportion and how to adjust for differences
- Divine proportion and the golden mean
- Scale – what it means and how to use it
- How to determine your body type, proportion and scale, and what to do with this information
At the end of this module, you will have your:
- Best Clothing Shapes and Styles Tip Sheet
Module 5: Your Face Shape & Neck Length
Did you know that your face shape determines your best hairstyle and length, your best glasses and hat shapes and styles, your best jewelry and your best necklines? The length of your neck also makes a difference! You’ll learn the importance of paying attention to your face shape and its impact on the clothing and accessory choices you make.
What You’ll Learn
- Types of face shapes
- How to determine your face shape
- How to measure your neck length
- How your face shape and length impacts your clothing, hairstyle, glasses and accessories and how to make your best choices
At the end of this module, you will have your:
- Best Hairstyle, Glasses and Accessories Tip Sheet
Module 6: Your Personal Style
In order to truly be in alignment, you must identify and reflect your Personal Brilliance in your outer presentation. That means showing your personality and your uniqueness! You’ll have fun identifying those elements that make your style uniquely you.
What You’ll Learn
- Bringing your brilliance into your style
- Identifying your personal style
- Creating your personal style words
At the end of this module, you will have your:
- Personal Style Words and guidelines for using them
Module 7: Dressing for your Environment
You’ll identify the environments you need to consider as you build a wardrobe that works for your life. You’ll also learn how to adjust and plan for unexpected events.
What You’ll Learn
- Identifying your needs and environments
- How to plan your wardrobe for your life
At the end of this module, you will have your:
- Personal Wardrobe List for your lifestyle
Module 8: Putting it All Together
In this final step we’ll look at how all of the elements you’ve identified for you work together to support you in both feeling and presenting your brilliant best.
What You’ll Learn
- Putting the whole framework together
- Creating your power outfits
- Daily practices
At the end of this module, you will have your:
- Personal Brilliance Blueprint
- Recommended daily practices
Bonus Module!
Key Techniques for Powerful Confidence
By now, your confidence will be soaring as you step fully into your most powerful, authentic, brilliant self-presentation. We’ll cap that off by learning several easy techniques, along with some thought and behavioral adjustments you can use to increase your presence, power and self-confidence, making you unstoppable!
What You’ll Learn
- Personal power assessment
- Self-confidence and self-esteem
- Owning your brilliance
- Your thoughts and focus – where are you putting your attention?
- Self-criticism vs. self-empowerment
- The impact of body posture and body language
- Power posing and power music
- Stretching out of your comfort zone
At the end of this module, you will have your:
- Key Techniques for Powerful Confidence Tip Sheet
This course will be available soon. Register to be the first we notify!
Brilliance with Friends Workshop
This Small Group Workshop option is the perfect blend of the self-paced course and two small group workshop sessions with Jean to help you validate and refine the work you’ve done, provide specific color, body type, and style information, as well as answer any questions you may have. Here’s how it works:
- Find 2 friends who want to do this work with you. (This is a great way to stay motivated and support each other as you learn these new concepts.)
- Go through the first 4 modules (on your own or together) and complete the assignments.
- Schedule Online Workshop #1 (three hours) with Jean at a time you can all be present online. In this workshop, Jean will:
- Review and refine each participant’s Brilliance Statement & Avatar
- Do a detailed Color Analysis for each person and provide a customized color swatch packet (this is a purse packet that will be mailed, not a download)
- Review and refine each participant’s Body Type, Proportion & Scale Analysis
- Go through the last 4 modules (on your own or together) and complete the assignments.
- Schedule Online Workshop #2 (two hours) with Jean at a time you can all be present. In this workshop, Jean will:
- Review and refine each participant’s Face Shape Analysis
- Review and refine each participant’s Personal Style
- Provide additional information on putting it all together for your lifestyle
- You’ll also get the self-paced Bonus Module on Building Self-Confidence!
When you have completed this workshop option, you will have:
- All of the Tip Sheets and Guidelines that are provided in the self-paced course
- A personalized color analysis and swatch packet specific to each of you
- Validation of and confidence in all of the elements of each friend’s Personal Blueprint
$2,997, $999/person
Personal Color Analysis
Color Analysis is a careful assessment of your natural coloring – eyes, skin and hair – in order to determine what colors for clothes and make-up are the most complementary for you. When your clothes and make-up complement your coloring, you look healthy, natural, and more attractive and confident.
In your right colors, we notice you first; your clothes are a support for you, and not the other way around. Once you know your colors, it’s easy to develop a wardrobe that coordinates since the colors within your palette are harmonious and all work together beautifully. You’ll save money choosing just what works for you!
Color Analysis that includes:
- A thorough testing and analysis of colors that suit you best
- A personalized draping in all of the colors in your palette so you can see for yourself
- Advice on makeup colors that enhance your natural coloring
- A portable palette containing swatches in your colors to help you when you shop
Most importantly, when we have completed your Personal Color Analysis, you will clearly understand WHY these are your best colors and how to choose them for yourself, even if you forgot to bring your color palette with you. The education you will receive on this process will serve you for the rest of your life!
VIP Private Reveal Your Brilliance Coaching
Want personal attention and private coaching on your whole Reveal Your Brilliance process? Let’s work together one-on-one to identify your uniqueness and build your Personal Brilliance Blueprint! Here’s how it works:
We’ll schedule 4 two-hour online sessions that fit your schedule; you’ll have a little homework to prep for each session, so we can get through these at a pace that works for you.
Session 1 – Introduction & Brilliance
- Prework: complete Brilliance Worksheet and initial statement creation
- Introduction to the process
- A little research and data behind image, other people’s perceptions of you, your perception of yourself, and the impact of all of it.
- Your Brilliance worksheet and refinement of your Brilliance Statement
- Your Personal Avatar (a shorthand way to remember your Brilliance)
Session 2 – Color
- Prework: send me close-up headshot photos of you, complete Color Worksheet
- Introduction to color
- Color education and examples
- Your best clothing colors (you’ll get a color palette created just for you)
- Your best makeup colors
Session 3 – Body & Face Shape, Proportion/Scale
- Prework: complete Body Shape worksheet (measurements)
- Your body shape and what works best for your shape
- Your proportion and scale and how to work with them
- Your face shape, why it matters (hair, necklines, jewelry, glasses, hats, etc.), and what works best for you
Session 4 – Personal Style & Putting It All Together
- Prework: find photos of outfits/styles that are appealing to you
- Definition of your personal style and what it looks like, how to recognize it
- Putting it all together – your complete framework and how to use it
- Dressing confidently
- Assessing what you already have, creating a capsule wardrobe
- Review of pieces in your wardrobe and identification of gaps, suggestions for brands and what to look for
When you have completed this workshop option, you will have:
- Tip Sheets and Guidelines specific to you
- A personalized color analysis and swatch packet specific to you
- Your Personal Brilliance Blueprint
- You will have access to Jean for 30 days after completion of the last session for perspective and advice. You’ll have my personal cell phone number and you can send photos, ask opinions, get shopping links, any help you need.
- You’ll also have lifetime access to the self-paced course in case there’s anything you want to review – INCLUDING the Bonus Module on Building Self-Confidence!
Deep Dive Into Your Brilliance
Sometimes we need help to see the brilliance and uniqueness that lives in each of us. In this session, you’ll work one-on-one with Jean to “get real” about you – your gifts and talents, skills and natural abilities, strengths and potential blindspots. Having this kind of clarity will support you in showing up confidently and powerfully because you’ll have a deep understanding of who you really are.
There are multiple tools Jean uses to support this process. Here’s how it works:
- You’ll schedule a 30-minute planning call with Jean in which we’ll identify our overall objective and the approaches we will take to get there.
- You’ll have homework to complete, including assessment tools and getting input from people who know you (don’t worry, Jean will provide a process that makes this easy!).
- You’ll then schedule a two-hour online session with Jean in which you’ll dive deeply into what you’ve learned and what becomes apparent in our conversation.
The result? A deeply meaningful Brilliance Statement that clarifies and claims who you authentically are at the very core of you. This powerful work will shift forever the way you view yourself and how you show up in your world.
Shop Your Closet
In four to five hours (in person or online), we’ll:
- Weed through your closet, getting rid of the “absolute no’s.”
- Build new outfits using your wardrobe in different ways, including shoes and accessories.
- Learn how to put things together in new ways that suit your personal style.
- Take photos to create your “look book” so you don’t forget any of your fabulous fresh looks.
- Create a shopping list for you to use to fill any wardrobe gaps.
- Jean will also send you online ideas and things to shop for that suit you perfectly!
Personal Shopping
No time, energy, or desire to shop? Need help finding the right things to fill in your wardrobe? Those pieces that suit your coloring, body type, personal style, and lifestyle? Jean can help! We’ll do a 30-minute consult call to create clarity around your needs and objectives. Jean will then identify options and recommendations that are perfect for you! Total time is 4 to 5 hours.
Special Event or Vacation Planning
Special events call for extra care in identifying the perfect outfit and all of the accessories that make it shine and help you feel brilliantly put together. Have something important coming up? Let’s talk about how Jean can help you find just the right thing for you. We’ll do a 30-minute consult call to create clarity around your needs and objectives. Jean will then identify options and recommendations that suit you to a T! Total time 1 to 1.5 hours.
VIP Annual Membership
VIP Membership is available only for those who have completed their Brilliance Process and want ongoing support. Things like special event support, closet help, personal consultation, even a personalized shopping list and the online shopping sites Jean recommends for your personal style, coloring, and body type are included. Slots are limited; register to be notified when a slot opens up.
Free Resources
and Guidance
Read the Be Brilliant Blog
Reveal Your
Be Brilliant Services
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