meet Jean

Hello and welcome! I’m so glad you stopped by. Be Brilliant is an expression of my life’s purpose, which is to “help people see their own unique brilliance and shine it powerfully in the world.” I passionately believe we all possess qualities and characteristics that make us uniquely, magnificently Brilliant – we’re just not always very good at seeing and owning them, much less showing up confidently and powerfully!


Showing up confidently as our “Brilliant Best” is something we all did as kids, but stuff happens to make us forget just how bright we really are. We begin to doubt and second guess, comparing ourselves to others and not thinking we measure up. We lose confidence and try to fake our way through, hoping no one will see through the façade.

How do I know? Because that was me in spades.

I would be a “liar, liar, pants on fire” if I pretended to you that I have always stood confidently in my own personal power and presence. The truth is that it has been a slow slog through cultural perceptions and my own lack of self-confidence, along with a need for external approval that sometimes even now still rears its ugly head. The judgments I’ve held about myself, the masks I’ve hidden behind, the faces I’ve made in the mirror, the nasty things I’ve said to myself, both out loud and in my head… oh my! The Wicked Witch of the West would melt under that kind of judgment.

I clearly remember the first time I thought I might not measure up. All dressed in white lace for my junior high graduation in small town Texas, I thought I looked prettier than ever. But coming around the corner, I heard my mother on the phone with a friend: “I’m hoping Jeannie outgrows this ugly duckling stage soon…” BAM! Ugly duckling?!! My mother?!! I could hardly get through the day… And it only got worse from there…

Fast forward through MANY rocky years of self-flagellation and “not-enough-itis” to a more peaceful place of awareness and acceptance.

I took the long way around, but I have finally tapped into the wisdom to recognize the truth – that I am beautiful, powerful, confident and resilient. And what I know is that you are, too.

More than anything, I want you to know your magnificent truth for yourself; I call it “embracing your inner brilliance and aligning your outer brilliance.” I want you to see you as you really are – resplendent, gifted, capable, powerful, confident, BRILLIANT. And I want you to own it and express yourself in a way that you FEEL and KNOW it, and others see it in you. Most importantly, I want you to confidently and powerfully propel into your most brilliant, unique, authentic expression of yourself and the life you are supposed to live.

This work will rock your world! You don’t have to go the long way – I can help you with the shortcut. Let’s get started.

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