For this final post of 2022, I’m not following my usual format of one “Inside Point” and one “Outside Point.” Instead, you’ll find a random meandering of short, mostly unimportant musings that are currently swirling in the murky maze of my mind.

Musing #1:  I have noticed in my work with women that most of us have what I call our “3000 percent.” It is that “thing” that jumps out at us every time we look in the mirror that looks at least 3000% more prominent than anything else we might be looking at – fat thighs, wrinkly neck, droopy eyelid, etc. No one else views us with the scrutiny we use for ourselves, and yet it’s hard to see a more balanced perspective. I’m hesitant to share mine because my fear is that you’ll look for what you might not have previously noticed. But I’m committed to truth-telling and honestly, it’s there for all to see, so here goes: my 3000% is my sagging jawline that makes me feel like a basset hound. I’m very aware that it’s my focus that amplifies it in my eyes. And we are soooooo much more than any perceived flaw – this is what I teach every day. As the saying goes, “we teach what we most need to learn.” I am testament to that.

Musing #2:  A few days ago I attended my first holiday party since before the pandemic began. I was so excited, and I spent a good amount of time putting together the perfect outfit, getting my makeup and hair just right, all that girly stuff. At the end of the evening when undressing, I discovered that I had been wearing my pants backwards the whole night. Because I am just that cool…

Musing #3:  Are you as ready to release 2022 as I am? Each year has its gifts and challenges, but this one has felt particularly bumpy. You too? My amazing astrologer Phyllis had given me some clear insight at the end of last year, but you know when you check out the movie preview and think you’ll be watching a nice RomCom, only to find out once you’re in the theater that it’s actually a Sci-Fi Thriller? And yet… what I know is that I learn the most from the hardest places. I feel like my insides have been turned inside out and the dark places are hanging out for everyone to see. And what was hidden for so long is now transforming in the light and becoming… a giant, 3-headed, fire-breathing chimera? Nah, just a friendly lizard with quiet insight to share… and I’m learning to listen.

Musing #4:  I always look forward to a new year, just like I always loved the beginning of the school year. I relish what feels like a fresh start, although I’m mildly amused at just how many “fresh starts” I seem to need. I’m learning to release my traditional sentiment of “But this time, I’ll get it right!”, and instead embrace that “This time, just like all the others, is another opportunity for growth and learning and joy, and I welcome what is here for me.”

I wish you happy holidays and another joyful fresh start as we begin a new year. I’ll be back in mid-January, rested and ready to share the new ideas I have on deck that support my vision of helping you be your most brilliant self. Thank you for hanging here with me.

Much love and many blessings.

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