There are three elements of color to consider when you are choosing the ones that make you look your very best: 1) warm or cool, 2) light or dark, 3) clear or muted. Let’s talk first about warm or cool; we’ll save the others for my next posts.
My guess is that you’re probably a warm-hearted yet very cool woman. However, from a physical, “what you wear” standpoint, you are going to lean more one way than the other. Do you know if you’re Warm or Cool?
Let’s use lipstick as an example. The top photo shows 3 warm-toned lipsticks on the left and 3 cool-toned ones on the right. Warms have more of a yellow undertone in them, cools have more blue undertones. Knowing what works best for you can make a huge difference – wearing the right tones makes you look clear, healthy and younger, while the wrong tones make you look older and more tired. I don’t know about you but I am looking for all the help I can get! (stay tuned – we’ll be discussing that whole aging thing in the future too.)
Here are two photos in which I’m wearing different lipsticks for your consideration. To really see the difference, notice what color my skin is in each photo. I didn’t change a single thing, only my lipstick. To my eye, in the warmer lipstick photo, my skin looks more yellow, kinda’ sallow. In the cooler photo, my skin looks clearer and more even. Do you see what I see? (Disclaimer: I am clearly not a skilled photographer, so you might just have to take my word for it…)
The colors you wear on your face and your body make a huge difference, not only for your own perception but that of others as well. Do you know which colors make you look – and feel – your most brilliant?
If you do, send me a photo, I’d love to see! If you’re not sure, I can help you figure it out.